Monday, June 28, 2010

Some things to know before you go to Argentina.

- There are only 2 or so stop signs in all of Buenos Aires. They are not obeyed, ever. Red lights aren't really obeyed either, especially by taxi drivers.
- If you don't move, taxis and all other vehicles will run you over. Pedestrians do not have the right of way.
- You will get fat. The food is delicious, and horrible for you. Plus, dinner is at 9pm, and it's not odd to eat in the middle of the night.
- Clubs (boliches) don't get started until about 3am, and keep going until 7am at least. Also, be prepared for some very aggressive men, who think dancing with you means they can kiss you immediately, even before knowing your name. It's not mean tot be creepy, it's just their culture.
- Soccer is life. The entire city shuts down for a game. Not joking. Every restaurant and store closes. The streets are deserted.
- Marijuana is "mas o menos" legal. Smoking pot or cigarettes can and will happen anywhere, at any time of day. In front of police officers. Your hair and clothing will smell like cigarette and pot smoke for WEEKS following your stay.
- It's not uncommon for people to be carrying around bottles of alcohol around on the streets and drinking. At any hour of the day.
- Eating a meal in a restaurant takes a good 2 hours. You must close your menu to be served, they will not split the bill for you, a tip of over 10% is basically not allowed, and it takes a great deal of effort to actually find the waiter to get your check.
- A lot of people might think you speak Portuguese. Not a clue why.
- Some elevators only stop every 5 floors.
- Dogs wear clothing most of the time.
- The keys are RIDICULOUSLY difficult to use. Buenos Aires is a giant land of skeleton keys.
- "Whisky" is the equivalent of "cheese" when someone takes a picture of you.
- If you watch a soccer game at the plaza, you will get stepped on, punched, elbowed, and trampled. It's that crazy.
- Despite looking similar to everyone else, some people will just KNOW you are American, and proceed to give you an English menu at a restaurant, then try to rip you off.
- You will get extraordinarily lost. Probably ever day.
- The bus system is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.
- You can get lost, and ride around on the buses for an entire day... for less than 5 pesos.
- Never try to go to a boliche the night before a holiday. Bad, bad idea.
- If girls really have to use the restroom, like really bad, it's apparently acceptable to use the mens restroom.
- You have to unlock doors from the inside to get out of your house or apartment. So if you are hanging out with your friends at their apartment, and you want to leave, DON'T FORGET TO BRING SOMEONE WITH YOU WHO HAS A KEY. Otherwise, you'll get to the lobby, realize you can't get out, come to find out you don't have any of their phone numbers, and forget what floor they lived on. And then, you freak out.
- If you are claustrophobic, the subte and buses might not be your best mode of transportation.
- You can get a giant piece of cake at a market for 8 pesos (2 USD). And a giant slab of steak at a restaurant for under 40 pesos (10 USD). And a 1/4 kilo of ice cream for 10 pesos (~2.5 USD) or less at most places. And medialunas for 3 pesos (75 cents). And a fifth of whiskey for 10 pesos (~2.5 USD). I have yet to understand how this entire country is not obese.
- There are cats EVERYWHERE. And the dogs are INCREDIBLY well behaved, besides doing their daily business all over the street (which I've learned to accept as normal life in Buenos Aires). You will step in dog shit. There is no way to avoid it unless you walk everywhere staring at the ground.
- The people are really quite nice. I've met some really awesome people from Buenos Aires and other countries. Also, the guys are much more... chivalrous... than in the US. I know I said that the guys won't stop kissing you, but that is just their culture. I mean, you kiss people on the cheek as a greeting every day... so kissing is "mas o menos" a hug in the US... I think?... Once you get past the kissing issue, the guys really are super nice and awesome. A lot of guys won't even get on the bus until the girls get on first.
- The Argentine equivalent of Playboy and Maxim magazines are sitting out on the streets for all to see. There are also "transvestite parks"... yeah... I guess it could be worse: Brasil has transvestite bathrooms.
- The stop lights go from red to yellow to green, then back to yellow then red.
- You will fall in love with this country and never want to leave.

More to come later!


  1. I love you and I'm glad you're having such a fantastic time! Jamie says "hi" and looks forward to speaking with you when you get back. :)

  2. I LOVE YOU TOO!! I miss you! What have I been missing?!

  3. too bad marijuana is "mas o menos" very difficult to buy...
