Sunday, June 27, 2010


Short blog for today. I got up around 12:30pm (which, remember, was only about 5 hours of sleep) and got ready to go to the game. A bunch of us went to the Plaza de San Martin to watch the game on the big TVs like I talked about in my previous blogs. There were SO MANY people and it was absolutely CRAZY! Basically, we got trampled when Argentina scored because everyone started screaming and jumping around and singing! Pictures and videos will be on facebook soon. We beat Mexico 3-1 and play Germany on Saturday!!! YAY!!!! Vamos vamos Argentina!!!! (let's go Argentina). Why can't the USA be this excited about futbol (soccer)?! It's such a bonding and exciting sport! Everyone from the entire country comes together and it's so much fun to be a part of! At the game, our group also got interviewed by the news and a couple of the other girls ended up getting on TV! When I got back from the game, I spent some time relaxing and looking up information on getting a Brasilian visa (which I'm going to make an attempt at tomorrow). For dinner, we had asado (grilled chicken, sausage, and steak) which was absolutely delicious! Now, I'm going to do my homework for tomorrow then FINALLY get a full nights sleep.

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