Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day and Night 2

Today, after sleeping for 7 hours and getting up at 12:30pm, a group of us took the subway to Pueyrredon (la recoleta district). We went to el cemetario de la recoleta.... WAY FREAKING AWESOME. This cemetery is where all the rich/famous people are buried and all the tombs are above ground. Most of them you can see inside and see the cophens, or the staircases leading underground to the cophens. The tombs are extremely extravagant (see facebook at sometime in the near future for photos). After that, we went to the market and looked around for a while, had lunch around 4pm (delicious ravioli.... HUGE italian influence here), then went back to some shops and the market. I bought a leather purse (leather is super important here) and then we walked through the recoleta district some more. We went to the University of Buenos Aires law school (super beautiful), saw the Museo de Bellas Artes from the outside, and saw a cool solar powered giant flower statue thing.  We made it back to the casa around 8:15pm, then relaxed before dinner. We had asado for dinner (grilled meat, veggies, deliciousness), and alfajores for dessert (cookies with caramel in between, covered in chocolate... so good... definitely needing to go to the gym when I get back). We left at 10:45pm for "una milonga", where we watched locals tango and a live band in an old abandoned building, super cool. We got back at 2:30am... now time for shower and bed. Orientation tomorrow. Buenas noches.

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