Sunday, June 27, 2010


WOW. what a day. what a freaking day. So after being up for about 40ish hours straight, I got 5-6 hours of sleep then got up to go to URUGUAY!!!!!!!!! A big group of us caught the 8:45 ferry (but we had to be there by 7:30... and left the house at 6:30am) and it took an hour on the fast boat to cross the parana river delta. We spent the entire day hanging out in Colonia del Sacramento! We walked around, took pictures of the beautiful little town, had a DELICIOUS lunch, and much more. We had a guy take a pictures of our whole group in one of the plazas, and the world they use for "cheese" is "wiki" or "wiki wiki"... SERIOUSLY. HILARIOUS. Probably one of the funniest things thus far. For lunch, 4 of us split 2 chivitos: steak with sunny-side up egg on top, potatoes, fries, and bacon. oh yes. how wonderful is that. While we were at the restaurant, we watched the Uruguay vs. South Korea world cup game. They won (of course) and their fans are just as crazy as Argentine fans, just in smaller numbers. It was AWESOME to see that game in their country. I bought some souvenirs, and then we all went to the top of the lighthouse (yes dad... I know you are jealous)! We had GIANT ice creams (helado con conoprole) which was the best ice cream I've ever had, and probably will ever have (good thing, it cost quite a bit). The Uruguay exchange rate is awesome. So Argentina is about 4 pesos to the dollar, and Uruguay is about 20 pesos to the dollar. At 3:30, USA played Ghana in the world cup, so some of us watched it at another restaurant (yes, every restaurant has a TV, and the station is of course the world cup). We just ordered drinks (one person had to get food because they wouldn't let us sit there without ordering something) and watched the game. We didn't know that the place was only open for lunch though, and by the time they closed, the game was still going on. However, seeing as how Uruguayans LOVE soccer, they let us stay in the restaurant, a good hour or two after closing, to finish watching the game. How cool is that. We gave them a giant tip for letting us sit for so long (and nobody really tips here, and if they do, its 10% at very most), equipped with a mix of American, Argentine, and Uruguayan money. We caught the ferry home around 7pm, but this time it was a 3 hour slower boat. The ferry is basically an airplane. Check your bags, go through security, customs, the seats are airplane seats, have food, sleep, walk down a long walkway into the terminal, get your bags, customs again, etc. After we got back, we went to eat around 1:20am at a cafe and then went to Lost, the same club I went to on Thursday night. WHAT A NIGHT... as you can probably tell since I'm writing this and it's currently 6:38am... and I just got home. Facebook me if you want the nitty gritty dirty details about the club... wow... met a lot of people tonight: the good, bad, aggressive (well that implies every man who walks the streets of Argentina for the most part) and everything in between. I love Argentina! Time for some sleep before going to the plaza tomorrow, well I guess today, for ARGENTINA VS. MEXICO!!!!!!

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