Thursday, June 24, 2010


Today, I got up and went to the university for my first class at 11am. We had class until about 12:15, and talked about what the class would be like and bought our book. We had a half an hour lunch, where some of us in the class went to a nearby cafe. I had two empanadas (meat pies) and a coffee for about 5 USD. After lunch, we had class for another couple hours, and talked about two different verb tenses. We had another short break and went to the cafeteria in the university. For the remaining part of class, we spend working on conversation with the verb tenses we covered earlier. After class, I bought a shirt at the bookstore (which turns out is too big... they wouldn't let me try it on, and I can't return it) and talked with the travel agency about going to Punto Tombo (to find out there are NO penguins at this time of year, at all). Then, I walked up and down the main street in Belgrano for a while, bought some delicious pastries, then took the subway to la calle florida (big street vendor place). I FINALLY bought the Argentina soccer jacket I wanted, but when I got home I noticed the writing on the back that says "Argentina" is crooked, so I'm going back tomorrow to try to exchange it. I also bought a Spanish periodic table, aka the coolest thing EVER. We had chicken and potatoes for dinner. Exhausted = bedtime.


  1. Spanish periodic table! :) You're SUCH a nerd!!!

  2. haha I know.I saw it and I was like... OH MAN... I have to buy it... there really was no turning back once I saw "elementos"...

  3. This is so fantastic! I love all of your stories :) That is so sad that you were able to see the penguins! You know how we love them :) Miss you!
