Friday, June 25, 2010


Today was fantastic (as you can probably tell since I started writing this at 5:48am my time). Got up, went to class. Class was a little difficult today, but mainly just because I got my class changed to 9:30-2:30 and I'm adjusting to the teacher change and making up homework from the first day. I had a delicious milanesa de queso (cheese, fried, goodness) and "sprite cero" for lunch. After class, I went home and tried to get tickets for the ferry to go to Colonia, Uruguay this Saturday. After an hour or so of the website being stupid, I gave up. Michael and I walked up and down the main street in Belgrano... had a cuarto kilo (1/4 kilo) of ice cream, and some medialunas de manteca (buttery, sweet, pastries). We went to la calle florida (really awesome street market for miles downtown) and I exchanged my jacket (thankfully), as well as bought a few Argentina shirts for the family. We tried to buy tickets for the ferry again, but still not working. We decided just to get them in person tomorrow instead. I got some diet coke and peach fizz "wine" at the supermarket and some of us had a couple glasses of wine. I did my homework, and had dinner at 9 then some DELICIOUS jello (and I don't even really like jello). Four of us went to a club called Lost tonight (the hot spot on Thursday nights). We got there at 1:45am.... and get this... it was basically empty... except for the breakdancers... the party really didn't get started until 3 am at least... and I danced until 5:30am... for the last hour or so with a sexy Latin boy whose name I still don't know (the men are VERY aggressive here)... then we took a taxi home. I had one single drink, which was relatively not too expensive, that consisted of at least 2/3 if not 3/4 alcohol. One drink was plenty. Now my clothes and hair smells like cigarettes and pot (everybody, and I mean everybody in this country smokes whenever they want, wherever they want, including inside buildings... and marijuana is basically legal). Gross. Either way, it was a fantastically fun evening of not a single ounce of sleep! It's now 6:02 am... time to shower, drink a TON of coffee, then go to the last day of class this week!

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