Thursday, July 1, 2010

June 30 and July 1

Well. I got sick. FANTASTIC. Sore throat and stuffy nose... YUCK. Yesterday, I gave a presentation in class, then went to look at the medical school after class. I took a couple pictures, but it was a super sketchy part of town (which I didn't know before going there alone) so I got back on the subte and went home. Last night, our group did a tango lesson, which was a slight epic disaster. That dance, while some people can make it look pretty and elegant, is definitely not the dance for me... it's off beat and I kept tripping over myself because I was trying to dance on the beat but my partner was dancing tango how it's supposed to be danced... ugh. Never again haha. But at least I tried it. I braved the pharmacy in Spanish last night, which was an interesting experience... trying to get cold and throat medicine using a variety of Spanish words and charades. A group of us went to dinner (at like 10:30pm) and the waiters were laughing at our attempts to use Argentine gestures (for instance, there's a gesture to get your check, say "I don't know", say "f*** you", etc etc).

At least my throat feels better today... now it's just a stuffy nose, which isn't too horrible to deal with. I got a 9 on my test in Spanish today (they grade on a scale of 1-10 and 4 is passing). Now I'm packing because Michael and I are going to IGUAZU tonight!! We are leaving in a couple hours, and it's an 18 hour bus ride. At least they give us dinner, breakfast, wine, movies, etc etc etc. Hopefully I'll sleep a ton and feel better tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be 75-80 degrees F in Iguazu which will be very nice. Stay tuned for a blog when I get back about Iguazu and a ton of pictures on facebook!

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