Friday, July 9, 2010

July 8

Got up and went to class. Took an exam on the subjunctive and command verb tenses. and got a 10! sweet! Then, I took a half a day off and took the subte to the Fundacion Instituto Leloir (Todd's friend Guille works there in a lab). I got there WAY earlier than I was expecting, so I just walked around the looked at the naval hospital and other buildings, it was a hospital/research type of area. I went to meet Guille around 12:15pm then we went and looked around his lab a bit. I went with him and his lab group to get food, and then we all watched a seminar. The guy who spoke did his powerpoint slides in English, and spoke in Spanish. I was surprised how much I could actually follow, even with out the slides. Science terms in Spanish are really quite similar to English, and some terms don't even change at all. After the seminar, we went back to the lab and talked for a couple hours about my research, grad school, the education system in Argentina vs. the states, and he also talked me through a couple research papers his students wrote and presented. I also got to hear about their current work and see some in situ hybridizations. After I left the lab, I went to a nearby science museum for an hour, then went home. After dinner, a few of us went to a bar in Plaza Serrano, then met up with some of the people we met at a house party the first night here. We tried to go to a couple boliches, but with July 9th being a holiday, the clubs were so packed we couldn't even get in at all. I was going to the bathroom and this girl slammed the door open and hit my head so hard, that now there's a giant lump. Yeah. How nice of her. Stupid drunk girls. Instead, we went over and hung out at their apartment until 6am (if you want the details about this fabulous experience, ask me haha). Had a ridiculous time trying to get a taxi home. It was quite a fun evening. I slept until about noon on the 9th... time to get ready for my day and visit some other part of town.


  1. So... are you considering going international for your PhD? ;)

  2. haha I wish. I totally would if I could speak completely fluent Spanish. I've gotten a lot better but not good enough to take science classes in Spanish haha
