Friday, July 9, 2010

July 9

Today, I got up around 12:30pm and had some "breakfast". I took the bus to the Feria de Matederos (a giant market) and a bought a couple leather items for people. I walked around and looked at all the vendors, and had a GIANT... and I mean GIANT, piece of cake for 8 pesos. 8 PESOS! That's just over 2 USD... WOW WOW WOW. I took a picture of it, and some guy started laughing at me... and I literally had to explain to this guy in Spanish how freaking awesome a monster 8 peso cake is. A picture of my massive piece of cake will eventually show up on facebook. It was basically like one of those specialty giant chocolate caramel cakes you see in a really expensive restaurant... but bigger... and much cheaper. haha. and instead of caramel, it had dulce de leche. People here put dulce de leche on everything. Anyway, I asked someone for information on which bus would take me from the market to Plaza Italia. They told me bus 55 and where to catch it. Well, lucky me, I caught bus 55.... IN THE WRONG DIRECTION. So I get on this bus that takes me to the near freaking edge of town where I'm pretty sure we weren't even in the city anymore... great huh. So the bus reaches the end of it's route... and we definitely didn't pass Plaza Italia. Soooooo.... yeah.... I caught the bus going the other direction... and literally had to ride it for a good hour and a half to get back to Plaza Italia to take the subte home... I had no clue where I had ended up... thank god for having a nice bus driver (which seems to be quite rare) to tell me where I was going... but it was an adventure nonetheless. And I got to see many parts of town I had never seen! And all of this was about... ehhhh.... 4 pesos. YAY. 1 USD to ride the bus for an entire afternoon. I literally spent so much time on a bus I didn't even get lunch. So by the time dinner rolled around at 9pm, I think I ate a good 1/2 or 3/4 of a pizza. I still have yet to understand WHY there is a green olive on every slice of pizza... I was planning to go out to a boliche tonight, since we couldn't get into one last night... but nobody wants to go. GRRRR. And I'm definitely not going to one of those places alone. That's a recipe for disaster. Hopefully someone will change their mind in the next hour or so. For now, homework.


  1. Green olives on pizza? Haha! I'm sure you LOVE that! It's good that you've been loving most of the food, anyway. ;)

  2. Most of the food is pretty good, and cheap. Especially the beef. But the first thing I'm gonna do when I get back is eat a giant plate of mexican food and some chips and salsa!
